an exercise in compassion, health & hope
The text of REQUIEM FOR THE LIVING is arranged in the following sections:
LIBERA ME : A prayer for release from human limitations with an internal musical mirror symbolising inward reflections.
NONCREDO : Not to proclaim disbelief, but to convey the result of disbelief in love and the belief in fear – rigidity and hell on earth.
CRUCIFIXUS : A vision of a loveless world and our part in it.
DIES IRAE : Wrath and despair in a harshly diabolical dance.
LACRYMOSA/KYRIE ELEISON : Tears falling like rain and a prayer for forgiveness.
A vision of hope and celebration of life.
In the Sanctus 1 and 2, psalm texts are declaimed in South African languages and Hebrew, by Zulu and other praise singers/poets. Creeping, swimming and flying creatures are instrumentally represented.
IN PARADISUM features love between child and parents.
BENEDICTUS uses the traditional Latin blessing interwoven with the following text translated into Zulu:
Dance as if no-one is watching, Sing as if no-one is listening,
Love as if you’ve never been hurt, Live each day as if in heaven on earth.